Data 4 Oeiras

Data 4 Oeiras
As part of the smart city concept, the Municipality of Oeiras aims to implement a descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive action strategy that can substantiate decision-making with properly updated analytical evidence. This element corresponds to the constant challenge of creating an environment conducive to effective and efficient governance, promoting active citizen participation, and achieving sustainable urban development with economic, social, and environmental benefits. "Data 4 Oeiras Valley" consists of an integrated analytical intervention in priority thematic areas such as mobility, economy, governance, education, and participation and citizenship. It aligns with the local ambition of a "future vision of a highly qualified territory, intensely attractive to universities and businesses" (Dr. Isaltino Morais) for those who live, study, and work in this territory, actively participating in its composition.
Strategic Vision - Develop an integrated strategy to provide the Municipality of Oeiras with tools for intelligent territory management. A Smart City with instruments to support sustainable development.
Overall Objective - Strengthen the municipal positioning as a symbol of a highly qualified territory with a dynamic economy based on knowledge and technology as the basis for value creation, as well as the basis for a more sustainable territory.
Intervention Axes:
- Mobility - New mobility models and traffic management, and behavioral transformation (soft modes);
- Economy - Knowledge of the economic-geographical territory (TEG);
- Environment - Energy efficiency;
- Governance - Immediate Resolution of Incidents;
- Citizenship and participation - Active citizenship.