Defense Business Intelligence

Defense Business Intelligence
The Defense data repository is primarily fed by data entered into the Integrated National Defense Management System (SIGDN) in the areas of Human Resources, Finance, and Logistics. Data collection and processing in this sphere is carried out by the General Staff of the Armed Forces (EMGFA), the Armed Forces Branches, IASFA, and the Central Services of the Ministry of National Defense.
Analytical data is added to these transactional data, originating from the SIGDN system's transactional data. After being extracted from the source system and transformed by daily execution routines, they are loaded into dedicated data structures, forming a Data Warehouse. This step enables data analysis from various perspectives. It allows the observation of the data's evolution over time, making better use of the large volume of data that would otherwise be impossible.
The ability to create more value from all this National Defense data, taking advantage of modern tools with advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics capabilities, using emerging machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies, making them easily accessible, flexible, in a self-service mode, and reusable for users, allowing them to make better decisions, is the structural transformation that this project aims to achieve.
The goal is to provide stored data in the form of valuable and reliable information to support decision-making. For this purpose, internal National Defense data can be complemented with external data of various kinds, structured and unstructured, using data from other government agencies or any other source.