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Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence and Analytics for Hospitality & Tourism

Pós-Graduação Business Intelligence and Analytics for Hospitality and Tourism

Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence
and Analytics for Hospitality & Tourism

Today, Data Science allows to develop analytic models that simultaneously promote quality visitation and a better monitoring and management of these spaces, adopting metrics that, instead of just counting the number of visits, objectively assess the value created by each tourist who visits us.

The Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence and Analytics for Hospitality & Tourism responds to this need for higher education in a fundamental area for the development of the national economy and aims to prepare professionals capable of participating actively in the development and application of analytical models for tourism, combining the various areas involved in tourism with a cross-cutting edge approach to data science, in order to leverage them.

The 2023-24 edition, starting in September 2023, has the special support of TIA | PRR, so there will be a substantial discount for residents in Portugal during the entire program.

The applications for this program are open until February 16th, 2025. To apply, click here.

  • Vagas


    After Working Hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    2 semesters
    (60 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times
    a week

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    February 2025

Partner Entities

  • CTPM
    Confederação do Turismo de Portugal
    Turismo de Portugal
  • Hurb (1)
  • CLEAVER 01 01
  • NEST
  • Vilagale
    Vila Galé
Who is it for? image

Who is it for?

This Postgraduate Program is aimed at senior managers, public and private technicians, consultants, entrepreneurs, and other professionals who wish to acquire analytical skills in data science in the field of tourism, using the most advanced information management technologies, data collection and analysis methodologies.


The goal of this program is to train technical staff and managers to:

  • Acquire Business Analytics competences applied to the hospitality and tourism sector;

  • Deepen analytical and problem-solving skills within a highly dynamic and competitive industry;

  • Update management and marketing knowledge in the context of digital transformation in a big data era that poses constant challenges to tourism organizations and companies;

  • Develop hospitality and tourism analytics projects integrating concepts and tools worked throughout the program.


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