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Postgraduate Program in Digital Enterprise Management


Postgraduate Program in Digital Enterprise Management

"Digital transformation" is one of the vectors that the European Union intends to accelerate and for which many increased infrastructure platforms and software available as a service are contributing. To do so, organizations must incorporate more sophisticated skills, solutions, and management tools, as well as new professional profiles and skills.

The Postgraduate Program in Digital Enterprise Management is designed to prepare managers and professionals for digital transformation and business, providing them with knowledge of the latest technologies available in an increasingly complex information management scenario and the preparation of organizational culture, human resources, and processes.

Ranked as one of the best programs in Western Europe in Innovation and Project Management, according to Eduniversal, an international agency that publishes the annual ranking of the best MBA and Master programs in the world.

Applications for this program are open until February 16th, 2025. To apply, click here.

  • Vagas


    After Working Hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    2 semesters
    (60 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times
    a week

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    February 2025


Ranked as one of the best programs in Western Europe in Innovation and Project Management, according to Eduniversal

Learn more here

Partner Entities

  • Google
  • Idc
  • Sap
Who is it for? image

Who is it for?

The Postgraduate Program in Digital Enterprise Management is aimed at managers and professionals who wish to deepen their project management skills in business transformation, based in new digitalization models and information systems. Among the potential candidates we highlight the 1st and 2nd level managers of medium-sized and big enterprises, systems integrators and consulting companies, and IT and IS professionals.


  • Prepare managers to be in charge of the "digital transformation" in their organizations, and become the change drivers in processes, organization and human resources;

  • Help in the selection and prioritization of the adequate technological solutions and distribution models to accelerate the profitability and productivity in the organizations;

  • Offer the students clear access to state of the art of reference suppliers of technologies and distribution models that leverage the "digital transformation";

  • Provide access to digital transformation methodologies, including IDC Digital Transformation MaturityScape, for an assessment of their organizations.


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