AD NOVA IMS is responsible for promoting the connection between the academic and the professional world. In this sense, the Professional Insertion Office was created, whose main objective is to promote the approximation of NOVA IMS students to the job market, preparing and supporting them in this transition, establishing and developing relationships with companies, in order to promote successful and mutually beneficial professional insertion.
Professional Insertion Office

Professional Insertion Office
This office is also responsible for:
Support Employability
Job Fair
Counts on the presence of a diverse set of companies and institutions, and aims to be a place of close liaison between the entities, as potential recruiters, and the academic community namely students, finalists and graduates from NOVA IMS.
Companies and other institutions are invited to participate in the exhibition space, on stand, and may also interact directly with the participants in specific areas.
This fair is an excellent opportunity to give a closer look at some of the companies with greater dynamism in the labor market, thus creating a meeting place between recruiters and potential candidates.
Hugo CaldeiraPartnerships & Community Management and Internships and Employability