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Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence


Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence

The globalizing and ever-changing environment in which businesses operate has promoted, as a critical success factor for business, the ability to leverage data and digital transformation to manage information and knowledge in organizations.

The Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence aims to train experts and managers able to design, build and use business intelligence and analytics processes to support organizational decision making and knowledge management, inducing value creation and promoting its operational and strategic excellence. This program is aimed at managers looking for added value provided from data warehouses of the organizations, and technical staff who work in BI initiatives, including the processes of data warehousing, business analytics and data visualization.

This Postgraduate Program gives access to the Master Degree Program in Information Management, with a specialization in Business Intelligence, which is ranked, for the 6th time in a row, as the best Master Degree Program in Business Intelligence and Strategy in the World by Eduniversal, an international agency that publishes an annual ranking of the best MBA and Master degree programs in the world.

The applications for this program are open between February 6th and March 7th, 2025. To apply, click here.

  • Vagas


    After working hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    2 semesters (60 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times a

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    September 2025


Ranked as the best Program in Business Intelligence and Strategy in the World by Eduniversal, for the 6th time in a row!

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Who is it for? image

Who is it for?

The Postgraduate Program in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence is aimed at graduates in a compatible field such as: Management, Engineering, Economics, Marketing, Statistics and Information Management, Sociology or Psychology; or another area of knowledge if qualified with the appropriate professional experience in information management activities. Among the potential targets of this postgraduate program, we highlight those who have responsibilities in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses Managers, as well as managers and leaders looking for added value provided from data warehouses of the organizations in which they develop their activity. This Postgraduate Program also aims at technical staff and managers that need to work together to launch BI initiatives.


The goal of this program is to train technical staff and managers to:

  • Introduce the principles of Knowledge Management to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, in order to promote the competitiveness of organizations;

  • Understand the process of Business Intelligence and its role in creating value for the business;

  • Use analytical applications to monitor organizations' performance and visualization tools;

  • Understand the purpose and meet the main techniques of Data Mining and Predictive Analytics;

  • Identify the key indicators of the analytical applications in a business context.


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